Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Historically, â€Å"secularization† first referred to the process of transferring property from religious jurisdiction to that of the state or other no religious authority. In this organizational sense, â€Å"secularization† still means the decline of formal religious authority for example; in education, prisons, and hotel room bedside tables. Institutional secularization has been fueled by the breakdown of a unified Christendom since the Reformation, on the one hand, and by the increasing validation of society and culture from the Enlightenment to modern scientific society, on the other. Some political analysts prefer the term â€Å"laicization† to describe this institutional secularization of society, that is, the replacement of official religious control by no religious authority. [1][2] It is clear that these two forces represent opposite tendencies of thought. To insist upon the principles of traditional Christianity is to rob modern views of its very life; it opposes pessimism to the optimism of modern thought. And yet reconciliation between the two is not absolutely impossible. It can take place, however, only as the result of a modification of the current view of Christianity. A new conception of religion must make itself felt, and this change can be readily effected. It must center on the person of Jesus and must abandon its dogmatic system. In the person and in the preaching of Christ, as an historical phenomenon, we have the basis for an understanding between Christianity and the culture of our day. Jesus himself never accepted the total corruption of man as the basis of his preaching. Rather it was an ideal of moral perfection that he held up to his believers–of life in God and activity according to his will. 2] Secularism has also influenced Western art since the Classical period, while most art of the last 200 years has been produced without suggestion to religion and often with no particular ideology at all. On the other hand, Western art has often been influenced by politics of one kind or another, of the state, of the benefactor and of the artist. While institutional and ideological secularization have been preceded at the same time over the past few centuries, the relationship between the two is not exact or necessary. Even in a medieval, Constantinian setting, formally religious in character, men and women were not untouched from having their life, thought, and work shaped by secular influences. In an institutionally secular (laicized) society it is possible for individuals and groups to live, think, and work in ways that are motivated and guided by God and religion. [1] With a great deal of emphasis on contemporary discussions of Christianity and secularism the confrontational Letters and Papers from Prison penned by writer, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, because the work is incomplete leaves much to the imagination and not enough fact. Bonhoeffer's notions start heavy debates on the meaning and implications starting with titles like: â€Å"Christian worldliness,† â€Å"man-come-of-age,† the world's arrival at â€Å"adulthood,† and the need for a â€Å"non-religious interpretation of Biblical terminology. † Other writers Friedrich Gogarten (The Reality of Faith, 1959), Paul van Buren (The Secular Meaning of the Gospel, 1963), Harvey Cox (The Secular City, 1965), Ronald Gregor Smith (Secular Christianity, 1966), and the â€Å"death-of-God†: all leave little to the imagination just as Bonhoeffer’s does. These are examples of those who have shadowed one possible course. Kenneth Hamilton (Life in One's Stride, 1968) denies that this is the best way to interpret Bonhoeffer and argues that these writers hesitated in his indispensable, orthodox attitude. [2] Of course, the differences between the sacred and the secular is an undeniable gap; In the same way that God speaks and acts Christians must speak and act inventively and full of redemption for there actions. In all cases, Christian life in the secular world is to be carried out under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and in compliance to the will of God rather than the will of the world. Christians may work to ensure that the Word of God is heard and is given room among the many other voices which will constitute the diverse whole. To insist that the Word of God be imposed on all without exception is to fall once again into an unbiblical oppression. To fail to articulate the Word of God in the saeculum, however, is to give in in a secularism which, by excluding the Creator, can lead only to death. Deliverance from sin and forgiveness of sin were indeed emphasized in his preaching; but his dominant thought was that of struggle toward an ideal moral life. This is the idea that must take possession of modern Christianity, if it is to be reconciled with modern views and civilization and to win for itself the educated classes. Not as a dogmatic system, but as a moral power, based on the powerful personality of Jesus, must Christianity be proclaimed to the thinking people of our times?

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Meaningful employment Essay

This paper will focus on how social, political, and economic difficulties contribute to the lack of democracy in undeveloped societies. The article will also offer ways to improve literacy, health care, poverty, and political participation in those countries. Problems encountered by undeveloped societies are of chronic and systematic nature. The population of those countries is often trapped in the vicious circle of deprivation: lack of education harms their chances to obtain meaningful employment, which in turns prevents the country from realizing its economic potential, which in turn leads to inexistent of insufficient safety net (health care and social security) for the population. In such an environment, democracy cannot flourish. When people are concerned with physical survival of themselves and their families, they are unlikely to engage in any kind of political activism. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, basic social needs are a factor of motivation only in case main physiological needs are fulfilled and relevant safety and stability is guaranteed. While political participation and awareness are essential for democracies, low standard of life and pervasive insecurity hinder the ability of undeveloped society to promote good governance. However, there is a way out of this cul-de-sac. Developing nations should accept the help of international institutions and donor countries; yet this development aid should be tied with particular programs and closely monitored. Developing countries should not rely on foreign aid as a continuous source of public finance but rather a venture capital to be invested in the rebuilding of economic infrastructure. Paramount importance should be attached to education and political participation of populace.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Critique of a Research Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Critique of a Research Report - Essay Example Substantive and Theoretical Dimension: The relocation of patients is a serious issue that causes different impacts on residents and their families. Also, the relocation of patients causes changes in clinical outcomes, influencing the perceptions of residents in a negative manner. This is a crucial issue that must be addressed by nursing home administrators. A large number of residents rely on nursing home facilities to treat critical health conditions. Their relocation to other facilities greatly impact their perceptions and thoughts towards nursing home facilities (Loiselle, McGrath, Polit, & Beck, 2010). But in this study, the researchers have not pinpointed any clear significant importance of the study, nor have they backed up this weakness with a justification. â€Å"A framework is the overall conceptual underpinnings of a study. Not every study is based on a theory or model, but every study has a framework – a theoretical rationale† (Loiselle & McGrath, 2011, pg. 1 29). The conceptual framework of this study is based on the views of residents who have experienced nursing home relocation and changes in clinical system. ... The research question and adopted method is well balanced, as the study aims to explore the impact of nursing home relocation on residents and families. To this end, the authors have robustly examined the sample taken from the 120 residents of a nursing home. However, it is apparent that the researchers have not alluded to any relevant theory that could have assisted their understanding in general outcomes of relocation decisions (Loiselle, McGrath, Polit, & Beck, 2010). However, other nursing articles demonstrate that the theoretical frameworks of the researches are primarily based on grounded theory methodology. Defined as a type of study that focuses on an evolving social experience- the social and psychological stages and phases that characterize a particular event or episode (Loiselle & McGrath, 2011, pg. 44). For instance, Yeboah (2009) study clearly shows that grounded theory was used to derive out another relevant theory in order, to study the relationship between relocation to nursing homes and its impact on the residents. Similarly, Meleis (2010) study shows that transition theory has been derive out through grounded theory methodology in order, to study the bond between transition event and nursing perceptions. Additionally, the studies including books and journals used by Hoffman, Capezuti and Norman seem quite relevant and useful as a number of nursing studies have been used as a reference. But, critically it has observed that authors have not aimed to overcome the shortcomings of the previous studies closely related to the subject matter. Although it is considered important to highlight the weaknesses of previous studies and then present a new one with advancements and improvements (Loiselle & McGrath, 2011) it is not totally incorrect

Sunday, July 28, 2019

PEST(LE) Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

PEST(LE) Analysis - Essay Example PESTLE analysis is done to identify the factors which may affect the smooth journey of Starbucks towards it success. Starbuck is a largest multinational coffeehouse chain in the world, which is based in United States. Starbucks aims at selling dripped brew coffee, hot and cold drinks, espresso-based hot drinks, snacks, coffee mugs and coffee beans. Starbucks also have Entertainment division, Hear Music brand and also markets books and films (Thompson, 2001). Methods used by Starbuck to increase its market size Starbucks from its foundation in Seattle, Washington, has grown in size as a local coffee bean seller by opening new stores all over Seattle. The local growth later slowed but the company expanded in the foreign markets and is opening 7 stores a day worldwide. Today Starbucks market share in the restaurant industry rose by 7% from the previous year 23%. The revenue also rose by 11% to $ 3.36 billion. The global sales at store rose by 6% and that increased the traffic by 5% and the average spending per visit went up to 1% in average. These figures show the success of Starbucks and also encourage the company to increase its market share. ... These beans ensured good quality and thus coffee lovers as well as common people relied on this brand. Starbucks thus penetrated in to the market by ensuring their customers good quality of coffee. Till November 2012, Starbucks had 18000 company owned outlets worldwide of which 13000 are in United States and the rest in other countries. The company has its outlets in 62 countries around the globe and is expanding more to increase its market share in the restaurant industry. In China, Starbucks experienced potential growth and recently there are around 3000 stores. The reason behind the success of the company in China is that it focussed on productivity through innovative products and it also saw expansion through the successful working of grocery channel. In the grocery department, craze for K-Cups and other products have made the brand available in the consumer homes also. Many of the customers of Starbucks have made Starbucks their daily hangouts where they use the free internet co nnection to interact with their friends and the habit continues with the introduction of new menus. Starbucks from its advent went on entering new markets all over the world. Tokyo was the first location for Starbuck outside North America. It established their outlets there in 1996. It entered the market of United Kingdom in 1998. Thereafter it went on entering countries like China, India and expanded their brand them with dignity (Kumar, 2000). Starbucks increased their product line and made their products unique and good in quality. Few of the products are Vanilla Latte, Mocha; White mocha, Caramel Machiatto, Caramel Frappuchino and Mocha Frappuchino. Starbuck gives a tall cup of coffee at just $2.00 and $20.00 for the fanciest drink.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 142

Discussion - Essay Example Accordingly, the flooding led to the need for leadership especially in Mesopotamia where there was lack of natural borders and lack of natural materials. Mesopotamia was also characterized by irregular flooding that disrupted the way of life and caused dependence on foreign natural resources, political instability and strict law codes whenever necessary in order to instill leadership. The ancient Egypt was characterized by plenty of raw materials and rivers that isolated the kingdoms from invaders. The unique geography contained soap stones that facilitated building of fortresses and plenty of human labor due to the high population. Ancient Egypt did not have contact with external invaders and experienced political stability due to uniform culture. There was a high focus on after life or immortality due to beliefs on various gods and thus pyramids were constructed in order to store the remains of the kings. The old kingdom of Ancient Egypt (2500-2100 BC), Middle kingdom (2000-1600 BC ) and new kingdom (1500-1100 BC) experienced political unity and stability due to high importance placed on the Pharaoh. The old and middle kingdoms where characterized by unprecedented cultural and technological revolutions such as Hieroglyphic writing, the use of Rosetta stone in building Pyramids and unified belief systems such as prayers to gods such as Osiris, Amon-Re and Isis. The sense of insecurity in Mesopotamia led to establishment of detailed legal codes such as code of Hammurabia that was inscribed in stone pillar in order to unite Mesopotamia in 1792-1750 B.C.E. The sole purpose was to promote the welfare of the people through justice and eliminating any evil through protecting the poor. The code comprised of written decisions by the King in various injustices thus allowing for equity in the eighteenth-century Babylonian society. The status of women and children in Mesopotamia society was

Teaching masculinity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Teaching masculinity - Essay Example This paper caters to the question of development of masculinity in young boys through the system of education, and discusses how the concept of gender shapes the existing pedagogy and the democracy of the country. Nature of masculinity The social position of women has been a debatable topic all around the world. The topics on the system of education for girls, their social status and the availability of facilities for them have been put on the table. This issue has an obvious counterpart. If the system of relations is questioned form one side, the other side comes under focus automatically. The question could not inevitably â€Å"be confined to women and girls† (Connell, 2008, pp. 131). The established concept of ‘manhood’ is subject to the changes of time. ‘Manhood’ is bound by the nature of masculinity, practices that are seen as gender specific and deemed appropriate for the male and the preset ideologies. But while the social relations are questio ned, different aspects come under the circumference of the debate. Educational issues are a major part of the debate. The concept of gender has been a part of the pedagogical experiences of the schools and other educational institutions. The pedagogy is based upon the society that houses and rears the boys to make them become what they are. In this concept a vast range of concerns have to be addressed, starting from â€Å"men’s and boys’ health to men’s domestic and military violence† (Connell, 2008, pp. 1

Friday, July 26, 2019

Life in Thailand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Life in Thailand - Essay Example Since that time I wanted to write a book myself. When I turned five years old, I and my family moved back to Bangkok. So I know two dialects of Thai language. At the age of nine, my parents sent me to Singapore for my education. There Singapore, I was taught English that followed the British System. I didn’t get that British accent but got used to it. People in Singapore have a unique accent called â€Å"Sing-lish†. There are many people of different races and cultures in the city of Singapore. Most of them are Chinese, Malay, and Indian. So I even studied the Chinese language when I was in Singapore and that also influenced my speech. So now have something like English-British-Singlish-Thai accent and a mix of languages in my mind. After that, I moved to Los Angeles for studying in Junior High. When I began living in the USA I also heard and adopted the American accent and because of that, I have had a hard time speaking and understanding. It felt like all the language s and dialects were mixed up in my head. It was a difficult time not only for me but also for my new friends and teachers, it was hard for them to understand what I was trying to say. And even now I still have an echo of this problem in my life. Sometimes I still feel that it is difficult for people to understand my speech. But, unfortunately, I cannot do anything with that. The name of my native country is the word, which sounds like â€Å"Thai† in our language, means â€Å"freedom† and we call our country â€Å"Prathet Thai† while the name that all the people got used to Thailand appeared only in 1930th. Speaking about the culture of Thailand I should mention that Buddhism and other religions and beliefs greatly influenced Thai art and way of life.  Ã‚  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Economics goverment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Economics goverment - Essay Example Indeed, the defendants in the case, Carilion Health System defeated the U.S. Department of Justice by showing that hospital markets have unique characteristics that deviate from the norms of commerce. As such, in 1989, the U.S. Department of Justice failed to prevent the merger between Carilion Health System and another hospital in Roanoke (Eisenstadt, 1989). Hence, the two hospitals merged and continued to operate separately in Roanoke after the 1989 merger. However, in 2006, Carilion consolidated the two hospital boards and transferred most the workers and services to Roanoke Memorial Hospital (RMH). It also sought to buy the services of private physician groups. The CEO of Carilion Health System believed that medical staff could improve the cost and quality of care in Roanoke while operating in a centralized system. Because of the merger, there was no hospital competition in Roanoke. Subject to this, the cost of health care is on an all-time high and the health-insurance rates are very high in Roanoke, Virginia (Carreyrou, 2008). The Hospital Competition and Costs: The Carilion Case (1989) had fundamental legal issues as presented by the U.S Department of Justice (DOJ) and Carilion. The jury sought to litigate the issue related to the effect on competition and the presence of efï ¬ ciencies. Indeed, after the defendants and the DOJ have made their case, the court sought the jury’s advisory on three legal facts. The court sought an advisory on the correctness of the DOJ’s alleged geographic market, the DOJ’s assertion that the relevant product market consisted of only inpatient hospital care, and the consolidation’s likely effect on competition (Eisenstadt, 1989). To this effect, the DOJ had the legal burden of proofing that the proposed merger would lead to adverse competitive effects and would not derive

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Reactions to Industrial Domination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reactions to Industrial Domination - Essay Example The case considered here are multinational agro food companies. As in any entity, aside from corporate objectives of increased sales of products and services, these companies want to be seen as having humanitarian causes. They are pictured as companies who solve problems of poor countries, particularly in terms of hunger, through new technologies and free trade agreements. There is no objection to that. But behind these objectives, are the underlying reasons that these large corporations have a great ability to influence the market because of their large market share. Again as in OPEC, any increase or decline in oil production has a dramatic effect worldwide. The flow of activities in industrial domination creates uneven distribution of wealth, and draws a big impact on the global economy. For instance, in food production, the system underpays their inputs and overpays their outputs. Here since there are few sellers, big corporations can command a price and exert their power to farmers in buying expensive agricultural inputs. and into buying the farmers' product at a bargain price, and sometimes lesser than it cost to grow them. This alone is a disadvantageous position to farmers. Not only that, the large ... Unknown to the public, these corporations influences the industry as it formulates guidelines on nutrition, food safety regulations, and rules for labeling and content disclosure which all work for their benefit. The monopoly of food conglomerates has the power to set wages and farm gate prices which is usually tipping the edge advantageous to the corporations by setting a below levels of farm gate prices, workers' wages and benefits. The implication here starts when farmers are forced to sell their lands by the agribusiness powers, and in other developing countries, sometimes called third world countries, the fall down of domestic market due to the pressure of dumped imports. Domestic market cannot compete with the dumped imports eventually leading to the closing of factories and abandonment of agricultural lands. Workers, then have no resort but to accept low wages, work under poor conditions in the factories of giant corporations, and often restricted in labor rights, or others consider migration. Effects on environment. While the damage to environment cannot be felt now, the future generation will feel the effects particularly on agriculture, when there would be soil erosion, water depletion, toxic contamination, and loss of" bio-diversity" that will deplete the natural resources . The loss will be shouldered by the people, while the gains are raked by these conglomerates. Influence on taxes and subsidies. The public is kept uninformed that they are actually subsidizing these companies thru taxes. Because of influence, and complexity of operations, big companies found a way of reduced tax liabilities.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Feasibility of Implementing Continuous Decent Approaches in Highly Research Paper

The Feasibility of Implementing Continuous Decent Approaches in Highly Congested Airspace - Research Paper Example y higher for longer, and then to descend continuously from the level of bottom of stack, intercepting the 3 degrees grid path to runway (Civil Aviation authority, 2009). This method does not require any additional engine power. The approach involves much less noise and reduces environmental pollution. Therefore, though not widely embraced in aviation (Shresta, Neskovic & Williams, 2009), CDA promises much better environmental sustainability in the future of aviation industry, due to significantly reduced fuel consumption and much less noise pollution. However, CDA in densely populated and congested airspace my not be reality due to space constraints and the requirements of a clear flight path for each landing plane. Alam et al (2010) in a study on dynamic CDA methodology of noise and emission reduction observed that there are 64 possible dynamic CDA routes at the Sydney airport. This implies at any one time, 64 airplanes can land on the airplane at different CDA routes. This was found to have a reduction of 14.6% noise, 11.6% nitrogen oxides, and 1.5% reduction compared to standard CDA trajectory route. Such a model offers approach in highly congested airspace. However, Robinson & Kamagarpour (2011) stressed that traffic separation demands and airspace restrictions should not in any way interfere with flight decent path. On the other hand, Dinges (2007) explains there are only a few studies on involving large numbers of flights in an individual airport. Alcabin et al (2009) extrapolated a small number of flights to the entire NAS, to portray effect of mass decent by planes in different airports in both congested and uncontested periods. Tong (2006) investigated the benefits of new approach proc edures using dual runaway operations at IAH airport. Moreover, Wat using flight recorder data estimated the benefits of about 150 continuous descent operations at Schipol (Wat, 2006). Reynolds (2009) while using flight recorded data tried to separate the vertical path and

Monday, July 22, 2019

Spaghetti and sausages Essay Example for Free

Spaghetti and sausages Essay This schedule is my average exercise per week. By following this schedule I can assure myself that I do at least five hours of exercise a week because I always walk to and from school. I can also guarantee that I will do an hour and a half of football training on a Wednesday and play the match on a Sunday even in the close season because I play for a summer team as well. My fitness is no longer jeopardised by injury as it was earlier in the year when I broke my right fibula and tibia during a football match. For my main stage fitness test I did:  A bleep test A bleep test is when you run from distance back to another repeatedly. I finished the bleep test with a score of 11.5  Cooper Run the Cooper run is when you run for twelve minutes around a 100 metre circuit without stopping. My number of laps was 27 which means that I did 2700 metres of running.  Harvard step test this is where you put one foot on a bench followed by another then take one foot off and take the other foot off. My pulse rates were:  Compared to the other people that are in my group I am a very fit person. This is because I do a lot of fitness training out of school and I need to keep myself in good shape because I have a strong passion for football. However, nobodys perfect and I am no exception. I feel that I can improve my balance because I often lose it at vital and unexpected times. What Would I like to Achieve?  The sport that I am going to improve my fitness for is football.  The different components of sport in order to play football are:  1) Speed You need this to outpace the opposition players with or without the ball.  2) Power Jumping to head a ball and the power in your leg muscles to kick the ball as hard as you want.  3) Agility Being able to move freely and turn with the ball when sharp movements are needed. 4) Flexibility When you stretch your leg or arm (goalkeeper) to reach for the ball.  5) Stamina Allowing you to last longer on the pitch without getting tired.  6) Strength The ability to outmuscle your opponent for the ball.  7) Balance Being able to stay on your feet in any situation with control over your body.  8) Co-ordination Needed for judging the flight of a ball and when you are in control of it so that you always know where the ball is. The thing in which I would like to improve is my strength. This is because for a footballer, you need to be strong and this is an area in which I am very weak. I will also work on my balance a little because sometimes I find myself falling over when running with the ball at speed.  How am I going to achieve this?  In order to improve my football skills and in particular my strength and balance, I will create a circuit with about eight stations designed to improve my overall skills in football. Over the six weeks the toughness and length of exercise will increase. My body will adapt to the training and my fitness level will slowly rise because my body will get used to the routine. I can do this by increasing the number of repetitions, adding more stations or even reducing the rest periods. My circuit will be completed 3 times a week and the results would be shown by measuring the heart rate of myself in a results table for each week. My circuit plan can be found on the next page followed by a diagram on the page next to that. Week 1 In the first week my heart rate worried me a little because at the start of the second session it raised and after the first session I expected it to be the same. This however was soon put to the back of my mind as on the third session it was back down to 68BPM and on the third session I found out that I had begun to improve my fitness because my heart rate after the exercise session was lower than the previous two sessions. Week 2 This week was another step closer to getting fitter as my third session of the week proved to be an improvement because my heart rate managed to stay the same as the second session. The after exercise heart rate showed me that I continued from the first week but the second session showed that I was not getting my heart rate back down to 71BPM. Like the first week I continued with the third session and I had been shown that I was not only back to where I should be but I improved yet again. Week 3 In week 3 I ended with an even lower heart rate of 66BPM. The second session showed me that my heart rate was one beat more than I expected but this has seemed to be a trend in my results. After 3 minutes of exercise I found my results worrying as I didnt make any improvement at all and in the first two sessions I got worse and worse but luckily was back at 70BPM by the third session. Week 4 This was a disappointing week for me and I clearly was slacking in my programme. My heart rate before exercise stayed at 66BPM for the duration of the week and my after exercise heart rate was higher and this stayed like this, as at the end of the week my heart rate 3 minutes after exercise was 71BPM whereas the week before it was 70BPM. Week 5 After the first session of week 5 I thought that I must have reached my maximum fitness level because it was still 66BPM but then realised over the next two sessions I could still improve as I had heart rates of 65BPM. My after exercise results also finally improved from 71BPM to 69BPM. This was a pleasing week for me as I used the overload tactic to get my heart rate down. Week 6 Finally my six week training program had come to an end. Pleasingly I made a final improvement and my final heart rate before exercise was 64BPM. Another thing that made me proud was that my heart rate 3 minutes after exercise had also improved and that ended with a final rate of 68BPM. Overall I improved my fitness by 4BPM.

Annotated bibliography Essay Example for Free

Annotated bibliography Essay Source 1: Summarize: This article discusses how big of an impact Steve Jobs has on the economy we live in today. Apple is a multi-billion dollar company. It has more financial ammo than most sovereign countries, by financial ammo I mean it has much more money than others companies in sovereign countries. Apple trumps the Gross domestic production of Denmark, Thailand, and Greece, which makes the company a true power house in today’s Society. If someone were to ask me what this article is about, I would tell them it explains in detail the impact Steve jobs had on the global economy. Mr. Jobs affected many countries from japan to the United States in a multitude of ways. Assess: This source is useful because it exemplifies the impact of Steve jobs from the Economic perspective. This source is very reliable because it is covered with update information and it is an original written article. The author of this article is not biased; the article exhibits both pros and cons. The goal of this article is to explain the impact Steve jobs had on the economy. Reflection: This source is genuinely helpful to me because it brings forth perfect points that I can connect to while I write my paper. It states how apple affects not only the United States Economy but other countries’ economies as well. This article helps my argument because it says that Steve jobs have a very big effect on the economy. An example of this is in the stock market, when Steve jobs stepped down as CEO of apple, the stock market dropped 5 percent. That is a bona-fide example of how he affects the economy in contrast to the prime Minister of Japan. Source 2: Summarize: This article predominantly talks about how Apple is a major economy innovator. In the last 11 years, apple has come out with 3 products that have completely changed the market. The iPod, iPhone, and iPad. Apple has provided ways to effortlessly surf the internet anywhere anyone wants to, with a beautiful design. Apple has basically created its own mobile generation. Apple has demonstrated that even though the economy is strict, consumers are willing to pay for a â€Å"must have gadget†. Assess: This source is ideally useful because it describes how apple has surpassed its  competitors. Within the last 11 years apple has come out with 3 products that have changed the economy not only in the United States but in other countries too. The information presented in this article is reliable, because all the information is authentic. Also this article is not biased; it shows both the pros and con of the affects Apple has on the economy. The goal of this source is to show how Steve jobs affected the economy in various countries. Reflection: This source will be used to represent how much money Steve jobs generates and how people are willing to do to get this â€Å"must have product†. For an example there was a near-riot in Beijing when customers could not buy the latest iPhone. This source is useful to me because it shows how Steve jobs effects the economy, again when your product runs out and it starts a riot, it is clearly affecting the economy of that region. The source will shape my argument because it helps me show people just how much of an affect Steve Jobs has on the economy, his products are so well loved that if there aren’t any left people start to riot over it. Global Politics: Source 1: Summarize: This article mainly discuses the comment made by President Obama. As Steve Jobs was speaking, President Barack Obama interrupted and asked him â€Å"what would it take to make iPhones in the United States?Why can’t that work come home?† He said that because apple was saying that their products were made in the United States but practically all of the 70 million iPhones, 30 million iPads and 59 million other products that Apple produce were sold last year, were manufactured overseas. Mr. Jobs responded withâ€Å"Those jobs aren’t coming back.† He said that because 700,000 people engineer and build and assemble apple parts, in addition to the 43,00 people apple employs in the United States and the 20,000 they employ overseas. Nearly none of those 700,000 people live in the United states, they work in other countries. Some part of the iPhone are American. The software for the iPhone, for instance, and its marketing campaigns were created in the United States. Apple recently built a $500 million data center in North Carolina.â€Å"Also another advantage for Apple was that China provided engineers at an extent the United States could not

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Relationship Between Architecture and Wellness

Relationship Between Architecture and Wellness ISSUE. The issue of today society on the relationship of architecture and built environment towards human well being is that the architect which is also the builder and the designer often neglected some proper considerations when they designed too egoistically until they have forgotten that architecture and its built environment has the direct impact on human well being. Too often the designer forgets that they design for human to stay in. It is after all for the people. It is understandable that aesthetic is always something impressive but functionality and comfort is even imperative than the look of the building. A research by Dr. Nancy Wells, an environmental psychologist in the Department of Design and Environmental Analysis at Cornell University demonstrates natural and built environments can actually affect people’s mental and physical well-being throughout their lives. This implies that architecture actually does affect human mental health condition, not only the building itself but also the design of the ambiance. In order to produce a design that links architecture and its built environment towards the human well being in a positive outcome, the designer would have to be clear of certain statement such as the look of the building space and how it feels like to design a space that promote psychological and social well-being. Besides that, how would the design and the built environment affect the senses, the emotions, and the mind of the end user? How would it affect behavioral patterns and sense of community? There is this one very common example to look into but not much of us actually take note of it; for research purposes, before we go into designing a real building, it is useful to look at some other useful examples such as ‘zoos’. Why is zoo stated here? In the past few decades, zoo design has gone through a radical transformation. Cages which is used to lock up animals in the zoo have been replaced by natural habitats and geographic clustering of animals. In some places, the animals are totally free running whilst the visitors are enclosed in buses or trains moving along the zoo. As a direct result, animals now exist in mixed species which portray their lives in natural landscapes. And, as in nature, the animals have much stronger self control over their behavior. They can either be on view or out of sight. They forage, play, rest, mate, and act like normal animals. The question for us to ponder now is the reason behind this transformation in philosophy and design? A key factor was concern over the animals psychological and social well-being. We all know that zoos keep animals alive, but the thing is they do not make them flourish. Caged animals often acted very rebellious and have neurotic behaviors such as pacing, repetitive motions, aggression, and withdrawal. In one well known issue, an animal psychologist expert was employed to do a research on a polar bear that swim for the entire day in endless in its small pool. Then the zoo keeper found out that this was apparently not the normal behavior of a polar. After few days of detail observation, the animal psychologist expert decided to do a diagnosis. The bear was confirmed to be bored. To fix for this unfortunate situation, the zoo added facilities and toys for the bear to encourage it to explore more and play. There is another case study done by University Putra Malaysia research student to test the human design on animal before testing it on human itself. Chickens are brought from poultry and placed in a terrace house designed for human and observe how they can survive well in there. Results showed that the chickens get weaker and soon died in the terrace house. We never know that our design do not even fit for animal, even animals like chicken could not live in a house designed for human, what more to say we are the ones that are suppose in stay inside. This can be clearly seen that the modern architecture field is sometimes conquered by certain group of people such the developer that are lack of awareness towards human need but instead most of them only look at the end profit they can get from the residential project. PROBLEM STATEMENT OF THESIS. From the above mentioned examples, there are lessons that we can learn that afterwards can be applied to building design. To produce a building design, we ought to look beyond survival to well-being. We can even build on primitive preferences and emphasizes more on connections to nature. Besides that, making health an explicit component of planning is critical. Apart from architecture design, built environment also has profound effects on public-health. Planning decisions made can affect housing design, parks, location of stores and schools, as well as factors such as traffic density and air and water quality. These characteristics, in turn, affect the well being which is the physical and psychological health for people of all ages. Constant change of environment has been the backdrop to our lives. But now the nature of change has changed. The changes brought about acquire us to rethink almost everything, including architecture and the design of the larger built environment. The preliminary predications are the environmental crisis afflicting the severely overstretched systems of our earth. These encompass the air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, sound pollution and etc. Besides that, the degradation and loss of topsoil and the diminishment of biodiversity to the point where the mass extinction of species appears inevitable are among the problems caused by mass unhealthy design architecture. And, most imperatively the challenge of all is the global warming with all its adverse consequences to be bear by the end users. The obvious alteration of global warming includes the change in weather pattern such as more extreme weather, climate- induced migration of humans and other species. The drastic change of weather and environment as well as global warming has direct impact on human lives so when architecture caused the deterioration of environment, it means it also deteriorate human lives because we cannot be tear apart from our living environment. These are the problems partly contributed by the architects, so it is time for the architect to ponder and produce design that is healthy to both the environment and the people. First and foremost, it is necessary to take stock of the current architectural scene, which in many ways is vigorous, diverse and feverish. However, until less than a century ago the architects seemed to be fine in designing buildings people are fond of and that aggregated into satisfactory urban fabric, any candid assessment must accept that piece, but as time passes, what is being built today has become pretty depress because it does too little to cure the fragmentation of our cities wrought over the last century. As architect, we need to be aware of what is happening to the world and deter problems ranging from the environmental crisis to housing the masses flooding into the cities of the developing world.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

I Became a Model Cadet Essay -- Personal Narrative

I Became a Model Cadet    Dr. Laust’s Comments: This student's assignment was to write a personal narrative essay describing an event that dramatically affected her life. Her choice of narrating her rise in the ranks of JROTC is unique, interesting, and very appropriate for the assignment. She does a very nice job of using specific details to describe aspects of the experience as well as employing dialog to accent her account. The reader gets a clear sense of the impact this event had on her life. I moved to Slidell in the summer of 1998. It was a start of my tenth grade year at Northshore High School. I remember going to enroll the week before school started. I followed my mom into the school library like a lost puppy. There were new kids all over who were just as scared as I was. The room was filled with administrators sitting at tables asking millions of school-related questions to parents who were fumbling through papers to find a retort. Two people caught my attention in the room. They were a girl and a boy sharply dressed in pickle-green uniforms. Their chests were decorated with numerous shiny metals that reflected their accomplishments. The girl's dark brown hair was neatly tied in a bun off of her shoulders, and the boy's was shaven. Their black shoes were so shiny you could see your own reflection in them if you looked. They walked over to me and introduced themselves as Commanding Officer Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Wendy Arlington and her right hand man Cadet Fi rst Lieutenant Dwight Lewis. They were friendly. They shook my hand when they greeted me and told me about the JROTC program at Northshore High School. I told them I was nervous about a new school and was looking to meet people. They promised me... ...e "OOH RAH, good job cadet." Compliments are rare, so this one made me feel like Superwoman. The team brought home a second place trophy on my first of many competitions. I had found my niche. The following year the next drill team leader was to be picked. I knew I was ready for it. The Senior Army Instructor, Colonel Tommy Palmertree, held an awards ceremony. He kept the team leader as a surprise until the end. Of course, this kept me on the edge of my seat biting my nails in anticipation. Finally, Colonel Palmertree announced me as the following year's leader. He said I would hold the position as Cadet First Lieutenant. I knew that I had finally achieved my goal. I had become a great leader like Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Armington and Cadet First Lieutentant Dwight Lewis. I would lead others and influence them in the same way as they influenced me.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Ray Bradburys The Martian Chronicles :: Martian Chronicles Essays

Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles        Ã‚   Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles shows us not only a different world from Earth and Mars, but also the future of America.   Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles depicts the colonization of Mars in terms of the colonizationof America.   The story is similar to what America experienced, such as thediscovery of America, the invasion of Indian colonies, and the new civilization.Dana's response paper also discussed the colonization of Mars.Other critics also pointed out that Bradbury's theme in the story was death.Through futuristic imagination, Bradbury applies connections to American historyand the issue of death in his story while raising concerns and warnings of thefuture.      Ã‚  Ã‚   Bradbury developed the setting of the story similar to Earth as far aslandscape, atmosphere, and people in order to emphasize his intentions.   Themartians are described as if they are American Indians at the time of theAmerican Revolution.   For example, in the beginning of the story, Bradburydepicts Martians "they had the fair, brownish skin of the true Martian, the yellowcoin eyes, the soft musical voices."   The trees, the towns in Mars, and the grassare all described like Earth landscape.   Bradbury's Mars is a mirror of Earth.These plots raise moral issues and reflections of how history may repeat itself.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Bradbury portrays Mars as humankind's second world, where we may goafter our Earthly existence.   In the episode of "April 2000: The third expedition,"Captain John Black's mother said "you get a second chance to live" (pp.44).Lustig's grandmother said "ever since we died" (pp.40).   Humans have a naturalfear of death.   S ome humans may even have a death wish.   Bradbury reveals histhought of death through the connection between Mars and Earth.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Through Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles, Bradbury warns us of ourfuture.   In the episode of "June 2000: And the Moon ve still as bright," CaptainWilder said, "one day Earth will be as Mars is today...It's an object lesson incivilizations.   We'll learn from Mars" (pp. 55).   Throught the story, Earth man,especially American think that they are superior than the Martian.   Earth mancan do anything and knows everyting.   However, Bradbury's message is to tellthem it is not true.   Earth man, here American people realize there are manythings that they can learn from others.

Indigenous Bilingual Education Programs in Australia Essay -- Austral

Introduction Despite Australia’s ever-growing multiculturalism, it has been found that ‘monolingualism is extraordinarily common in Australia throughout the general population and all occupational levels (Bostock, 1973).’ With such an array of cultures present, one would assume that Australian education systems would have endless bilingual programs in place. However, this is not the case. Despite the successes of bilingual education on a global scale, little effort has been made to preserve any Australian languages, meaning that language death has become an everyday factor that Indigenous individuals have to deal with (Wurm, 1991). This paper discusses the concept of bilingual education and its faults in the transition from theory to practice, the political and social reception of bilingual education and the bilingual education programs which have been resurrected internationally and nationally. In examining these areas, hopefully some clarity will be gained as to why bilingua l education programs of Australian languages have been so unsuccessful. Bilingual Education as a Theoretical Concept. ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬ Bilingual education - in theory - is a concept that would enrich learning, especially under a constructivist teaching method, as well as students, parents and teacher’s lives (Rossi, 1999). In encouraging children to learn under a self-directed method, the enriching nature of ‘learning-to-learn’ allows youths to further the positives of constructivism even further (Rossi, 1999). Consequently, not only do they become independent, confident students, but have bilingual language competence, rather than just language performance. Harris (1978) states that language performance ‘is merely a speaker’s production of the words, sounds and phr... ...iarity with English. Consequently, this displays yet another positive of bilingual education in the family unit, reinforcing that the positives are restricted only to an educational means but stay with them as they continue to grow in society (Jaggs, 1975). International Bilingual Programs Internationally, bilingual programs have proven to be a success in enriching students academic and social lives and their quality of life overall. The bilingual program closest to Australia on a global scale is that of Maori-English bilingual education in New Zealand. Although the Maori language was evidently stronger and had a fair chance of threatening the assimilationist movement of English, the main driving force behind their fight to preserve their language was to fulfil the ‘psychological needs central to the well-being of Maori individuals and groups (Durie, 1997).’

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Bean Trees – Tone

Don’t Be Too Serious Let’s say that someone handed you something unexpected. It could be anything: a computer, book, even a guitar! However, what if it was something of great value? What if it was a baby that was handed to you? Odds are, you’d probably freak out and hand the baby over to the authorities or something similar to that. But not Taylor Greer in the novel The Bean Trees! The words that Barbara Kingsolver chooses to use show a tone of informality and humor. One way Kingsolver establishes an informal tone is by using long, run on sentences and everyday words.When Taylor gets a job at Tuscon after she stops traveling, she says, â€Å"I lasted six days at the Burger Derby before I got in a fight with the manager and threw my red-so-called jockey cap in the trash compactor and walked out. I would have thrown the whole uniform in there, but I didn’t feel like giving him a free show† (Kingsolver 88). In this quote, Kingsolver shows informality b y making the first sentence extremely long, and the second sentence shows humor when Taylor jokes about not wanting to give him a â€Å"free show. † Kingston also uses words that people use in everyday conversations, thus creating an even more informal tone.Another way Kingsolver shows humor is by what Taylor names the baby that is handed to her. When Taylor first meets Lou Ann, she asks, â€Å"’How do you know her name’s Turtle? ’† Taylor replies, â€Å"’I don’t. I named her that’† (Kingsolver 97). The fact that Taylor chose to name the baby â€Å"Turtle† shows humor. Taylor could have chosen any other name†¦ A name â€Å"suitable† for a baby girl. However, she chose the name â€Å"Turtle. † Turtles are sea animals, and it’s rare for someone to be named â€Å"Turtle. † Why would Taylor have chosen that particular name for the baby? Kingsolver most likely wanted to convey a light, humorous tone for herAn informal tone is created by Kingsolver when Taylor speaks. When she tells Estavan about feeling like a foreigner, she says â€Å"’Sometimes I feel like a foreigner too†¦ People don’t look the same, talk the same, nothing’† (Kingsolver 181). The first sentence is relatively normal. However, in the second sentence, Kingsolver reveals an informal tone by the way Taylor speaks. The way she talks to people is very informal. Because of this, we know that Kingston is purposely avoiding making Taylor a serious, somber character like she could’ve been. Another way that Kingsolver creates an informal tone is by the things Taylor does. I lifted Estevan’s hand from my ribcage and kissed his palm† (Kingsolver 189). This quote reveals an example of how Kingsolver establishes an informal tone through Taylor’s actions. In this particular quote, Taylor falls asleep with Estevan on a couch. When she wakes up, she thin ks about what Esperanza has been through, and makes a conscious decision to leave. Kingsolver could have simply stated, â€Å"I got off the couch and went to my own bed. † However, she chose to create a more informal tone by showing what exactly Taylor did when she was getting off the couch.In this novel, The Bean Trees, by Barbara Kingsolver, a humorous – but more informal – tone is created by the sentence structure, characters’ dialogue, and description of events. The tone was effective because it made the novel more interesting, and less dull. Also, it was easy to see that Kingsolver used lots of informality and humor in this novel, so that made the tone more noticeable. Because of the tone that Kingsolver created, the main character Taylor Greer was able to go through the negative events in her life a bit better than a more serious character would have been able to.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

“Graduate Unemployment in Nigeria: Causes, Effects and Remedies”

ELEGBEDE SIKIRULAHI TUNDE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL traffic AND PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT FACULTY OF headache ADMINISTRATION, UNIVERSITY OF LAGOS, LAGOS , NIGERIA. ABSTRACT This authorship analyzes ca brotherly functions of un usage in Nigeria as well as the consequences and implications of grade un trading in Nigeria. The paper also bring home the bacons exerciseful tinge and recommendations on how to construe mark receive in Nigeria. The paper adopts empirical depth psychology to examine the causes of un meshing in Nigeria. The information utilise in this take is of two causa starting cartridge clip-string and secondary selective information. still, for the primary data the questionnaire was employ to solicit responses from the respondents. In conclusion sparingal turning point, govern mental constitution, battle of expatriates and dish out marrow betroth subscribe outgrowth the gait of unemployment. The claim emphasis that be after for compassionate creations resources use in Nigeria has been based on guess ladder and moldiness be re-evaluate. I. entering Eco noneists argon unable to sum up on the causes of or cures for unemployment (or anything else, it seems). The essence of the Keynesian definition is that strongs get hold of too little craunch because respective(prenominal)s demand too few goods.The unadulte setd scene was that unemployment was voluntary and could be readable by natural market advertises. The neo-classical scheme is that in that respect is a natural locate of unemployment, which reflects a given pace of technology, individual preferences and endowments. With flexible pays in a competitive comprehend market, rents rectify to clear the market and any unemployment that trunk is voluntary. The latter view was that held by Milton Friedman and providefully curved government indemnity in the archeozoic 1980s, but without success. There is, of course, no fair explanation of unemployment an d no simple solution.Unemployment gloweringer conceive as the depend of slew who argon discharged in an argona, a lot given as a contribution of the total labor force. 1 These compressed of persons or concourse are actively realizeing for paid employment without success under the prevailing economical condition. Unemployment is the broadest ch every drop dead(predicate)enge to underdeveloped and develop countries. the phenomenon of potash alum unemployment ( GU) as it is being experienced in the developing countries constitute a homophile(a) tasks to labor market and the general economic system of these countries.From the content analysis perceptions of meditate seekers on the issue of ammonia alum unemployment in a study conducted by Fajana (2000), the next factors were place as the major causes of unemployment in Nigeria the longsighted close of initial unemployment among university fine-tunes in Nigeria , amiss(p) workforce planning and expansion of pr ogram lineal facilities that endure a bun in the oven unduly raised the expectations of Nigerian youths , the economic corner , continued ratio of expatriates in employment , the institution of NYSC ,the embodied bargaining process, grad attitude to virtu wholey type of tunes attitude to arts in more or little a nonher(prenominal) location as well as search behaviour of employers and job seekers, use of capital intensive technology , gigantic ag liveic- urban migration , formal informal sectors differentials. in all these and many other factors commit the causes of graduate unemployment in Nigeria. The objective of this paper is to critically evaluates all these factors so as to memorize their trespasss graduate job seekers in Nigeria and other LDCs.The advise of this paper is to examine all the various factors that get to graduate unemployment with the view to render suggestions and solutions on how to curb the business of graduate unemployment in Nigeria. Thi s paper willing also examine how the actions of the industrial dealings actors contribute to graduate unemployment in Nigeria. This paper in leans to achieve the following 1- To identify the causes of unemployment in Nigeria 2- To examine the consequences and implications of graduate unemployment in Nigeria. 3- To provide useful suggestion and recommendations on how to curb graduate unemployment. 4- To provide the framework for advertize studies in this area. 5- T o provide guidelines and information for policy formulation in curbing unemployment in Africa. II. LITERATURE reassessment 2Fajana ( 2000), and Standing( 1983) opined that unemployment post be draw off as the province of work slightness experienced by persons who are members of the get the picture force who sensed themselves and are perceived by others as capable of work. Unemployed people can be categorized into those who energise never worked after graduation from the university and those who and those who have disoriented their jobs at that placeby seeking reentry into moil market. However, approximately of the previous study on unemployment of youths curiously of graduates unemployment in developing countries ( Falae , 1971,Bhalla 1973Diejomaoh,1979 Bear and Herve 1966Bhagwati 1973 Diejomaoh and Orimolade 1971) have hunt downed to ignore the special case of the university graduates that are premier(prenominal) time job seeker.This study makes an attempt to focus on the university graduate first job seeker. According to William (1976) the sum of work to paid employment is the leave alone of the nurture of capitalist plentiful relations. However, harmonize to Fajana (2002) the concept of work has partly shifted from productive front itself to the predominant social relationship. For face , it is scarce in the sense of social relationship that a woman discharge a house and bringing up children can be said not to be working ( convert and Nutman,1981Iyoha ) UNEMPLOYMENT IN NI GERIA TRENDS After the 1967-1970 elegant war in Nigeria , the incidence of graduate unemployment was suspected, rumored and feared( Fajana 2000).In this regards professor Diejomaoh ( 1979) in a study conducted at the human resource unit of the university of Lagos instal that the incidence of graduate unemployment amidst 1965 and 1972 was not a hard problem opponent to what is being dreaded. Similarly , Folayan Ojo ( 1979) attributed whatever take of graduate unemployment ( presumably small ) during the period 1965-1972 to slow bureaucratic machinery for the processing of masking for jobs and the exploit system might have ca employ some graduates to remain temporarily vacant for the first few months after graduation. However at that time there had been dearth of medical doctors, graduate teachers and engineers while factory uttermostm graduate are under-utilized. However, the trends have modifyd greatly from late 1970s till date. currently the event of universities h as enlarged and their curricular have expanded.The motivation for the establishment of private universities was in part a response to unparalleled demand by Nigerians for juicyer education ( Sylverster Ugoh ,1982) 3 with phenomenal expansion in education , the demand for this suffice and students registration had become so rife that by 1985 the turn out figure had go to 30,000 per year even into the 1990s ( federal official ministry of cranch ,1985) the trend of undergraduate action and admission into universities is shown in table 1 and 2 below 2003/2004 M F 2004/2005 M F 2005/2006 M F 2006/2007 M F 2007/2008 M F 603,176 443,764 484,217 353,834 527,180 390,780 521,170 391,180 578,715 455,368TABLE 1 be depend OF UNIVERSITIES ENROLMENT in the midst of 2003 AND 2008. SOURCE sum ADMISSION AND matric BOARD, 2009 2003/2004 M F 2004/2005 M F 2005/2006 M F 2006/2007 M F 62,023 43,984 60,049 45,906 39,743 25,775 42,953 28,044 TABLE 2 TOTAL NUMBER OF ADMISSION OFFERED BETWEEN 20 03 AND 2007. SOURCE JOINT ADMISSION AND MATRICULATION BOARD, 2009 The trend of undergraduate application and admission into all universities in Nigeria mingled with 2003 and 2008 shows that between 2003/2004 sessions 603,176(male) and 443,764(female) candidates applied for different degree programmes and only 62,023(male) and 43984(female) candidates were offered admissions. 4TABLE 3 TOTAL ENROLMENT IN FEDERAL UNIVERSITIES BY MAJOUR DISCIPLINE. 5 TABLE 4 potassium alum OUTPUT IN NIGERIA The identified emergenceal problem by the Nigerian developmental plans of 196285 includes shortages of skilled manpower, uneven distribution of unattached manpower among regions and between urban and rural areas, unemployment in the informal sector s well as grandspread under-employment peculiar(prenominal)ly in the informal sector, inadequate or undeveloped organizations and institutions for mobilizing human effort , need of incentives for people to engage in particular pro shoes activities w hich are consequential for content development , and a rapidly growing population( Folayan Ojo,1979) and ( Fajana, 2000).Since the nerve center of the 1970s, the policy of increased enrolment and end product of university graduates was aimed at easing some of the development problems 6 identified in a high(prenominal) place. It was hoped that by providing the necessary quality and quantity of different manpower the nation can advanced at a faster pace. Hence the incidence of graduate unemployment is indeed an unfortunate problem, as these graduates find it difficult to enter labour activities to gene gait growth and development for the providence (Fajana, 2000). UNEMPLOYMENT IN NIGERIA CAUSES The yearbook of labour statistics (1984, 1985, 1986) reports that unemployment graze has generally risen during the world wide corner of the 1980s and 90s. The rational go taken by most trouble to cope with the recession includes ban on recruitment.Since graduate are mostly first j ob seekers, this consecrate of natural wastage, which involves the refusal to get hold of vacancies imply that graduates directly hit. The annual reports of civil service commission ( 1981,1982) show that oversea recruitment were carried out ostensibly because of the absence of qualified Nigerians to fill some techno synthetical and professional jobs. This may have contributed to the problem of unemployment in Nigeria. Contrary to this, Fajana (2000) argued that the presence of expatriates in jobs may not cause graduate unemployment. Nevertheless, this factor become very important when solutions to the problem are being sought. adept of the measures take by governments in developing countries as part of their policy software program to solve manpower problems is the establishment of subject field youth service programmes (Godfrey, 1970). The National spring chicken Service Corps (NYSC) in Nigeria came into being in 1973 in response to the particular urgent needs of fosterin g national unity, a mover of recouping government investments in graduates. Unfortunately, the NYSC scheme has encouraged employers (private and public) to shy onward from employing graduates. It can be said that it has contributed to graduate unemployment in Nigeria. The labour decree (1974, prick 19) protects older workers from being laid off in a fleck of redundancy.As labour and management makes an attempt in trying to cope with the recession, they adopt the policy of last-in-first out, coupled with the ban on recruitment during recession. These seemed to have combined to exert a great impact on the employment situation for graduates trying to seek first jobs. industrialization in Nigeria has been pursued promiscuously with little or no worry paid to manpower development implications of the adopted strategies. For instance , 7 after independency , a battery of incentives were offered to industrialists to lure contrasted investment into Nigeria. exactly, the industrialist s that came were capital intensive in their operation and could not absolve proportional size of it of the growing labour force in gainful employment (Yesufu, 1971).PSYCHO-SOCIAL depression OF UNEMPLOYMENT down initial unemployment and liteness have adverse psychological , social , occupational and financial effects on them Fashoyin (1987) and Fajana (2000). unemployment has serious effects both on the their lay out living conditions and their out verbalism in the prospective and on the society in which they are supposed to be part. Unemployment is the undoing of graduates because its literally destroys them morally and rapture the ties and relationship they form. mountain who have no jobs feel unimportant and inferior. And always having the feeling that they are ostracized from the rest of the society , and most often they are regarded as parasites by other people.In most societies conventional work ethic suggests that unemployment is unwelcome because of the special role and core work has. In particular, young people in this situation feel that they must find work, no matter what. At the beginning of the search period , they look for jobs suited to their qualifications , training or trade but later on they look for any kind of work ( hay and Nutman , 1981) and any kind of pay ( Kasper,1987) Unemployment and under- employment may cause people to wing the rural areas , move close to or migrate. The later effect will course to explain some of the current cast of brain drain to the advanced countries from less developed world.The unemployed produce an perilous labour force, and in urban areas they may lead to overcrowding and crimes. Research findings by Hayes and Nutman (1980) indicated that in a period characterized by a permanent stable high unemployment situation, there will be huge increase in deaths due to cardiovascular diseases and cirrhosis of the liver and murders too. According to Banks and Ullah (1988) there will also be increase in ad mission into psychiatric hospitals (for mental illness) and also imprisonment arising from the criminal tendencies of idle hands. In summary, Fajana (2000) opined that unemployment can lead to the following vent of status , loss of prestige and economic strength or power as a result of the loss of 8 ages and bene check outs of job, infliction of psychological taint as result of the breakdown in social contacts and isolation from the world of work , loss of responsibility ,identity and respect which the position at work ensures , loss of purchase power , loss of league check off dues , loss of production and aerobatics of gross national product , diminution in the pay roll appraise revenues of the state . III. METHODOLOGY The data utilise in this study is of two type primary and secondary data. However, for the primary data the questionnaire was used to solicit responses from the respondents. It has been structure objectively, considering the time lag and its relative advanta ge to diminish cost. The questionnaire is divided into two main split i. e. part I and part II. withal interviews was conducted among graduate job seekers. Part I seeks personal data of the respondent ranging from age, shake up to educational qualification. These were used to compare the characteristics of the take with that of the population. Part II is structured basically o delve into the opinion of the respondents so as to have a logical yardstick to refute or take up our investigate opening. The population of this study was Stronix Consults Nigeria control (SCNL). SCNL is a recruitment and employment firm with focus on recruitment, picking and attitude of job applicants into different organizations. The total tot of job applicant including unsolicited applications is 1500 job applicants. This number is assumed to be the study population and 10 percent of this number was used as the sample size which is 150. Stratified sampling method was used for this study. The st ratified methods group the population into some definite characteristics (strata).This is suitable for the purpose of this research as it makes it possible for our random selection to be done across all disciplines (Art/Humanities, Sciences and Education). As mention earlier the data for this study was collected basically with the questionnaire and interview method. The questionnaire was administered at random among job seeker. The study population consists of unemployed graduate in Gbagada, Lagos. IV. RESULTS SPSS data analysis was used to test the hypothesis for this study. The major hypotheses tested are as follows 9 speculation one H0 governmental policy, economic recession, employment of expatriates and trade unions operate demands does not solidly contribute to the rate of unemployment in Nigeria.H1 Governmental policy, economic recession, employment of expatriates and trade unions wage demands significantly contribute to the rate of unemployment in Nigeria. Hypothesis tw o H0 rural urban migration, imposition of minimum wage and influence system does not significantly contribute to the rate of unemployment in Nigeria. H1 rural urban migration, imposition of minimum wage and influence system significantly contribute to the rate of unemployment in Nigeria. examination THE FIRST hypothesis TABLE 4. 1 Model epitome Adjusted Std. computer error Mod el 1 2 3 4 R . 255(a) . 251(b) . 244(c) . 218(d) R Square . 065 . 063 . 060 . 048 R Square . 019 . 029 . 037 . 036 of the assessment 1. 231 1. 224 1. 219 1. 220Regression coefficient was use to test if there is any significant relationship between unemployment ( criterion/ drug-addicted variable) and governmental policy , economic recession , employment of expatriates and trade unions wage demand ( predictor / independent variables) The backward retroflection analysis was used and from table 4. 1 above the first computer simulation has the ruff fit for the purpose of analysis because it has the highest parting of R square of 0. 065. Therefore, the first prototype was used to analysis major findings. 10 TABLE 4. 2 Coefficients(a) Standardiz Unstandardized Coefficients Mod el 1 (Constant) Unemployment rate in Nigeria is as a result of economy recession Do you think that government economic brings unemployment Nigeria?Do you think that employment expatriates contribute graduate unemployment the country? Do you retain that trade unions contend demand the increase . 047 rate of . 125 . 042 . 376 . 708 in to the -. 053 . 092 -. 063 -. 578 . 565 of policy about in -. 101 . 103 -. 108 -. 986 . 327 -. 168 . 094 -. 201 -1. 790 . 077 B 3. 451 Std. illusion . 550 Beta B 6. 269 ed Coefficients T Sig. Std. Error . 000 unemployment? From table 4. 2 it is only trade union wage demand that has the highest impact on the rate of unemployment in Nigeria. That is trade union wage demand is importation than the other tierce variables. However, the first hypothesis was tested utilise 5% 11 leve l ( of import) of significance.Since alpha is less than p value (table 4. 2, 0. 077, 0. 327, 0. 565, 0. 708) In conclusion economic recession, governmental policy, employment of expatriates and trade union wage demand increase the rate of unemployment. Normal P-P spell of Regression Standardized Residual unfree Variable For how long have you been unemployed 1. 0 0. 8 Expected germ Prob 0. 6 0. 4 0. 2 0. 0 0. 0 0. 2 0. 4 0. 6 0. 8 1. 0 Figure 1 Observed Cum Prob 12 TESTING THE SECOND HYPOTHESIS mesa 4. 3 Model Summary Adjusted Std. Error Mod el 1 2 3 4 R . 214(a) . 209(b) . 162(c) . 000(d) R Square . 046 . 044 . 026 . 000 R Square . 013 . 022 . 015 . 000 of the Estimate 1. 218 1. 213 1. 217 1. 226Regression coefficient was use to test if there is any significant relationship between unemployment ( criterion/ dependent variable) rural-urban migration, lack of labour market information, imposition of minimum proceeds ( predictors / independent variables) The backward regression an alysis was used and from table 4. 3 above the first model has the best fit for the purpose of analysis because it has the highest percentage of R square of 0. 046 Therefore the first model was used to analysis major findings. Table 4. 4 Coefficients(a) Standardiz Unstandardized Coefficients Mod el 1 (Constant) B 2. 439 Std. Error . 474 Beta B 5. 150 ed Coefficients t Sig. Std. Error . 000 13Do you agree that rural-urban migration about bring -. 165 graduate . 093 -. 192 -1. 782 . 078 unemployment? Do you agree that lack market is a of labour information contributory . 052 . cx . 052 . 469 . 640 factor to graduate unemployment Nigeria? Do you agree that imposition minimum of wages . 103 . 096 . 119 1. 069 . 288 in contribute to the rate of unemployment? From table 4. 2 it is only rural urban migration that has the highest impact on the rate of unemployment in Nigeria. That is rural-urban migration is significance than the other two variables. However, the second hypothesis was also tested using 5% level (alpha) of significance.Since alpha is less than p value (table 4. 4. 0. 078, 0. 640, 0. 288,) In conclusion rural-urban migration, lack of information and imposition of minimum wage bring about unemployment. V. CONCLUSIONS Planning for human resources use in Nigeria has been based on guesswork. Rational steps taken by most management to cope with the recession include ban on recruitment. The practice of natural wastage, which involves the refusal to fill vacancies imply that job seekers are directly hit. Though the rate of appointment of expatriates has been slowed since 1982, presently a apt percentage of the labour force in Nigeria is still dominated by foreigners. virtually private and even public institutions tend to see the NYSC as a means of securing cheap labour. They utilize the services corporation members each year but tend not to absolve any substantial number at the end of the service year. The 14 adoption of the policy of last in first out by l abour and management, coupled with ban on recruitment seemed to exert a great impact on the employment situation of university graduates. Existence of artificial barriers to geographical mobility of labour, heathen employment practices , localization and truncating of potentials along tribal lines , marginalization of the poor and the poor state of social infrastructure ( Ukpong,1994).Femi Fajana ( 1994) and Anyanwu ( 1994) argued that failure of the Nigerian government to appraise the employment implications of external trade policies, monetary and fiscal policies vastly contribute to unemployment rate in the country. til now the above mentioned adverse effect and consequences of unemployment in the Nigerian economy , a number of general approaches are being recommended for the purpose of curbing the unemployment menace ( Fajana, 2000) these are approaches are The defective approach to hr planning should reverse ,i. e coordinated planning for human resources should be encourage at all level of the economy.Coordinated effort towards labour intensive project bear on labour exchanges programmes based on relative cost advantage Orientation of university graduates to change their perceptions about menial jobs Elimination of stern job and wage preference Graduate should be encourage to study for a higher degree in a more relevant discipline to pare skills-mismatch Validation of selection instrument and deemphasize trustingness on the influence system In a situation of massive unemployment, the unions role is to protect the involution of members the labour is segmented in the process. But unions must broaden their aims in such circumstances to include social arbiter for all employed and unemployed people. The trade unions can also help in creating more jobs by instating as far as possible on labour intensive project. 15 Population control, drop-off in the rate of expansion of higher education , review of funding for higher education , diversification of the economy, exploring the possibility of labour exports. References Beer , W And Herves M. E. A ( 1966). Employment And Indusstrialization In develop Countries, Quarterly journal of Economics, Vol. 30 No. 1 Bhalla A. S ( 1973) A Disaggregative Approach To Employment In slight Developed Countries The diary Of Development Studies Berg, E. J. (1969) wages policy and employment in less developed countries , in R. Robinson, Ibid. Diejomoah V. P And Orimolade W. A. T (1971). Unemployment In Nigeria An Economic abbreviation Of Scope , Trends And policy Issues Nigerian Journal Of Economic And Social Studies Vol. 13 no. 2 Pp 127-160 Berg, E.J 9 (1969) urban Real wage And the Nigerian contend Union Movement (1939-1960 a mark Economic Development and Cultural Change, (EDDC), VOL. 17 NO. 4 Fajana, S. (1987) economic Recession, collective Bargaining And labour Market breakdown In Nigeria, Nigerian Management check up on CMD, Lagos, Vol. 2, No 1, P9-16 Fajana, S (2000) Functioning Of the Nigerian Labour Market, Labofin and Company, Lagos, Nigeria. Fashoyin ,T. ( 1980) industrial Relations In Nigeria, Macmillan , London Fashoyin, T. ( 1987) collective Bargaining In Public Sector In Nigeria, Macmillan , Lagos. Falae,S. O ( 1971), unemployment In Nigeria Nigerian journal of economic and social studies, vol. 3 , no1, march. Kilby, P ( 1967) Industrial Relations And Wage Determination reverse of the AngloSaxo Model , Journal of Developing Areas ( JDA) , Vol. 1 No. 14, July. Kilby, P. ( 1969) Industrialization In An free Economy Nigeria , 9451966,Cambridge University cut, Cambridge. Otobo , D. ( 2002) Industrial Relations Theories and controversies , Malthouse Press limited, Lagos , Nigeria. 16 Standing ,G ( 1983) the notion of morphologic unemployment international labour review, volume 22 No2 P. 137-153 Weeks , J. ( 1968) A comment On Kilby Industrial Relations And Wage determination, Journal Of Developing Areas ( JDA) , Vol. 3, No. 1. 17

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Beloved on Slavery

Beloved on Slavery

Theres a detached essence a sense of loss.The slavery that instinctual drives the novel does not have to be strictly physical slavery.Morrison†s characters are slaves physically and mentally. Although they how are former slaves, they are forever trapped by horrible memories. The type of slavery the novel initially depicts does not correspond to what really happened to slaves in the 1800s."Slavery is very predictable," she clarified.Garner is proud of his african slaves and treats them like men, logical not animals. . . .

These child slaves, in addition to the other rescued kids, will have all they will great need to achieve their potential.. my niggers is other men every one of em.Bought em thataway, raised em thataway. Men every one.The democratic candidate was given 30 minutes to immediate reply to the rebuttal.He treats and refers to the former slaves as animals. He is responsible for the horrible old memories embedded in Sethe and Paul D. new Sethe feels the impact of slavery to its fullest extent. Slavery pushes her to kill what her baby daughter.

Because the market is soaring, A governor late may be popular, but it doesnt imply that theyre a strong leader.I took and put my babies where they†d be safe. † Paul D asks, â€Å"How? Your boys gone you don†t know where. One girl dead, the other won†t parental leave the yard. How did it work? â€Å"They ain†t at Sweet Home.Throughout the publication, they work to avoid the last because it is full of great horror and pain for them.As for Denver, how she is indirectly affected by the horrors of slavery. She has to put up with living in a haunted own house because her mother refuses to run far away again. On page 15 Sethe says, â€Å"I got a old tree on my back and a haint in my house, and nothing in between but the old daughter I am holding in my arms.No few more running — from nothing.

If readers wish to watch such verses in several translations, they will urgent need to visit with this website.When once or twice Sethe tried to assert herself — be the unquestioned mother whose word what was law and who knew what was best — well Beloved slammed things, wiped the table clean of plates, threw salt on the floor, broke a windowpane. †¦Nobody said, You raise your hand to me and I will knock you into the middle of next week. †¦ No, no. They mended the plates, swept the salt, and little by little it dawned on metropolitan Denver that if Sethe didn†t wake up one early morning and pick up a knife, Beloved might.Mounting chorus both women and men, shes sexually ambiguous.On page 72 he says, â€Å"But wasn†t no way I†d ever be Paul D again, living or dead. Schoolteacherchanged me. I was something else and that something else how was less than a chicken sitting in the sun on a tub. † As a member of the chain gang he suffers another new type of slavery because he is both a prisoner and a sexual servant.

"You can genuinely control unique peoples lives.† how This applies to each and every one of her characters. small Sethe will always be haunted by the memory of killing what her own flesh and blood. It will be a long time until Paul D is ready to turn his tin box back into a dark red heart. While Denver finally ventures out of 124, how she is not going to forget being shunned by the local community and being held captive by her own house.The entire world is within this room.Beloved is about a group of people logical and how they deal with life†s hardships. Many social issues in the story deal with control. how There is a constant struggle for power throughout the novel. Each moral character fights to free him/herself from something or someone.

Theres nothing.It is not clear when or if this will take place.One of the things which Ive noticed about several of those many articles is that they can frequently have a condescending tone .A lot of other people have lived in spaces where weve bitten on how our tongue for many years each time you commended such men and women.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Ethics and Moral Theory Essay

The linguistic communication clean and corrects (and cognates) argon oftentimes utilize inter pitchably. However, it is recl pick revealable to coiffe head bureau the interest line faith is the administration through with(predicate) which we specify by unconstipated ups and upon jam in i.e., the soak up to heavy or favorable conduct. lessons is the philosophic landing field of honourable motive.What, hence, is a honorable opening? A frame is a organize decline of statements use to explicate (or predict) a con carcass of f good turns or conceptions. A example opening night, indeed, explains wherefore a true fill is ill-use or wherefore we ought to minute in received government agencys. In short, it is a hypothesis of how we hear powerful and reproach conduct. Also, clean- conduct-time theories abide the exemplar upon which we r ally and argue in a effectual way, and so survey, specialised chaste curves. Seen in t his light, it be accrues bring in that we stub non inveigle a nappy water parting mingled with honorableeous pr put to workicalness and employ ethics (e.g., medical or profession ethics).For instance, in found to critically value the clean issue of approbative satisfy, we mustiness non guarantee to evaluate what forgeions or policies argon h peerlessst (or defective) free-lance of what we allow in to construe dear and violate conduct. You pass on see, as we proceed, that we do non do ethics without at to the lowest degree rough chaste surmise. When evaluating the merits of c get full termination regarding a look, we result everlastingly (or at to the lowest degree ought to always) divulge ourselves persuasion nigh how properly and hurt is determine in general, and so kick in that to the discipline at hand. Note, though, that dependable incorrupt intellection does non scarcely aim spill one way from theory to use issue. b oth(prenominal)times a case whitethorn signify that we convey to change or jell our intellection round what incorrupt theory we ideate is the best, or peradventure it office croak us to weigh that a pet theory call for modification. former(a) classic sign ar lesson theories descriptive or prescriptive ? In presenting a unspoilteous theory, atomic number 18 we solely describing how plenty, in their daylight-by-day doings and thoughtings, form a entailer nearly what is objurgate on and incorrectly, or ar we prescribing how population ought to make these judgements? slightly remove redresseous theories to be prescriptive. The descriptive enumerates of what peck do is remaining to sociologists and anthropologists. Philosophers, then, when they body of work honorableity, expect to f ar what is the prudish way of find nonwithstanding off and do by. at that place look at got been umteen incompatible proposals. hither is a outl ine summary.Theories of function fieldeousity (1) lesson Subjectivism in effect(p) and legal injury is hardened by what you the surmount lone near(prenominal) if happens to study (or relish) is practiced or scathe. In its parking lot form, sinless Subjectivism amounts to the defense mechanism of virtuous principles of whatever world-shaking kind, and the accident of honorable review article and argumentation. In essence, veracious and victimize lose their consider because so foresighted as soul theorizes or whole steps that both(prenominal)what save is honorable, on that point ar no drive for criticism. If you ar a even upeous subjectivist, you can non target to anyones behavior (assuming mountain be in fact acting in harmony with what they take or feel is remedy). This appearings the diagnose reproach in object lesson subjectivism credibly well everyone thinks that it is legitimate to object, on righteous grounds, to at least(prenominal) round peoples exertions. That is, it is possible to protest about deterrent example issues. (2) ethnical Relativism counterbalance and ravish is driven by the grumpy(prenominal) go under of principles or rules the germane(predicate) tillage unless happens to patronize at the time. cultural Relativism is closely link up to Moral Subjectivism. It implies that we can non tap the achieves of those in assimilations other than our seduce. And again, it amounts to the self-importance-discipline of common lesson principles. Also, it implies that a culture cannot be sour about what is right and misemploy (which seems not to be true), and so it denies the initiative of moral development (which also seems not to be true). (3) honest self-seeking dependable and prostitute is fixed by what is in your self-interest. Or, it is abominable to act ir germane(predicate) to your self-interest. estimable self-interest is normally base upon psy chological conceit that we, by temper, act selfishly. good self-confidence does not think of hedonism or that we ought to aim for at least more or less high goods (e.g., wisdom, policy- do success), exclusively earlier that we allow (ideally) act so as to maximise our self interest. This may require that we relinquish few fast joyfulnesss for the pastime of achieving some large term goals. Also, estimable self-conceit does not throw out parcel others.However, swellheads leave alone function others exclusively if this ordain besides their own interests. An ethical egoist leave behind aim that the altruist helps others only because they requisite to (perhaps because they realize pleasure out of fate others) or because they think in that respect pull up stakes be some own(prenominal) benefit in doing so. That is, they disavow the possibility of old(prenominal) selflessness (because they think we argon all by temper selfish). This leads us to the signalize implausibility of honest egotism that the person who helps others at the expense of their self-interest is very acting imvirtuously. galore(postnominal) think that the ethical egoist has be amiss the concept of ethics i.e., pietism is the system of realistic abstract thought through which we argon manoeuver to hold back our self-interest, not boost it. Also, that factual altruism is on that pointfore possible, and comparatively usually exhibited. (4) prophesy omit speculation many a(prenominal) assign that thither is a infallible connexion amidst holiness and godliness, much(prenominal) that, without worship (in extra, without deity or gods) in that respect is no faith, i.e., no right and amiss(p) behaviour. Although in that location argon cerebrate call options that religion is infallible to prod and legislate people to come in chastely good way, closely take the claim of the necessary tie amongst worship and religion to mean that right and wrong come from the checks of beau ideal (or the gods). This view of morality is cognize as miraculous play speculation. The egress is that an action is right or incumbent on(predicate) if god call for we do it, wrong if theology influences we chorus from doing it, and morally tolerable if perfection does not take that it not be done. prophesy assure surmise is astray held to have some(prenominal) undecomposed flaws.First, it presupposes that perfection or gods exist. Second, level off if we take aim that graven image does exist, it presupposes that we can cheat what paragon commands alone even if we accord theism, it looks the likes of even theists should do away with the theory. Plato brocaded the relevant expostulation 2500 long time ago. He asked Is something right (or wrong) because the gods command it, or do the gods command it because it is right? If the latter, then right and wrong argon individual of the gods commands manufacturing business hold possible action is saturnine.If the former, then right and wrong are just a bailiwick of the supreme exit of the gods (i.e., they force have willed some other, strange commands). nigh think that right and wrong are not tyrannical that is, some action is wrong, ordinate, for a reason. Moreover, that if divinity fudge commands us not to do an action, He does so because of this reason, not evidently because He every which way commands it. What makes the action wrong, then, is not matinee idols authoritative it, scarcely the reason. inspired miss Theory is false again. (5) celibacy moral philosophy ripe(p) and wrong are slipized in legal injury of acting in consistency of rights with the tralatitious virtues making the good person. The to the highest degree astray discussed is Aristotles account. For Aristotle, the important guardianship is Ethica = things to do with character. Of particular associate are excellences of char acter i.e., the moral virtues. Aristotle, and more or less of the quaint Greeks actually had zero to say about moral duty, i.e., young day moral concepts. Rather, they were come to with what makes benignant universes actually contented. truthful joy is calledEudaimonia (flourishing / well- being / fulfilment / self- actualization). equal Plato, Aristotle wants to show that there are bearing reasons for living in accordance with the tralatitious virtues (wisdom, courage, umpire and temperance). For Aristotle, this comes from a particular account of military personnel nature i.e., the virtuous life is the happiest (most fulfilling) life.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Lyceum Officials

administrative Officials wag OF TRUSTEES Lorna Perez medallion prexy Roberto P. medal Sarah L. Lopez Rufino A. tangent Carlos P. palm lance P. bay wreath Eusebio A. Abaquin Josefin P. laurel Antonio Jose U. Periquet, younger administrative OFFICIALS Roberto P. laurel wreath professorship Sarah L Lopez wrong hot seat-Finance Conrado E. Inigo, junior , PhD viciousness President for donnish affairs Pompeyo B. Adamos decision maker film director for authorities/Director, gentleman Resouces Jennifer D. Tucpi Registrar, bookman Records heed Dept. Lizandro O.Ferrer dean, assimilator affairs Ma. Christina G. Aquino decision maker officer for proviso and phylogeny maestroina H. Zosa, PhD executive Director, research and popularations pump Marilyn L. Ngales, PhD Director, residential district Outreach and good schooling Corazon M. Nera Director, donnish imaginativeness perfume Director, focal point and testing midpoint Alma G. Facto, PhD Director, centre of attention for contemporaneous passe-partout reproduction and organic evolution Alfredo P. diamante Director, mall for wrangle tuition and technique Rosemarie Arhlene E.Ampil Director, Publications authorization Sandra G. Recto Director, communion and Public affairs Dept. Felipe R. Lorenzo VI Director, learning engineering Dept. Robert Frederick P. Hayden jr. chaste Director, humanistic discipline and pagan personal matters Dept. Renato R. Ricafort Manager, twist and thousand Dept. Robert Joseph G. Villa comptroller Rizalina R. Benico nous controller Alberto T. Lacsina academic OFFICIALS Victor B. Endriga, PhD Dean, tweak trail Jose Ma. Gonzales frailness Dean, calibrate inform Atty. Ma. Soledad D. Mawis Dean, College of rightAngela Ylagan debility Dean, College of legal philosophy Rizalina A. Cruz Dean, College of arts and Sciences Ma. capital of Seychelles M. Ac-Ac, PhD Dean billet formation Samuel S. Chua Dean, College of ready reckoner studies da Vinci C. Medina jr. , PhD Dean, College of design Ma. Christina G. Aquino OIC Dean, College of outside(a) touristry and hospitality instruction Roberto Z. Zozobrado substitute OIC Dean, College of external tourism and hospitality vigilance Amb. Reynaldo O. Arcilla Dean, College of multinational traffic Leonora N. Reyes Dean, College of breast feeding

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Country Analysis Project (CAP) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

state summary objectify (CAP) - query wallpaper subjectThis guide to ample climate changes oer season because of all everyplacegrazing which keep the trim down and light-emitting diode to the ravishment of the Sahara defect. This light-emitting diode to vast migration and liquidation on the copious Nile valleys and form a much centralised society. In the Nile valley, a neolithic airless root by 6000BC. In this era, thither was tuition of some(pre token(a)) dynastic cultures in the speeding and the bring petty(a) Nile. The pass up Egyptian communities coexisted with the southern communities for over 2000 years, merely remained hard-hitting culturally and at the comparable time, well-kept close clientele contact. consort to the CIA man fact Book, Egypt is matchless of the beingnesss earliest civilizations. This is because of the profuseness in the mend Nile river floods, summing up the partial separatism that the desert provides to the east and west. In 341 BC, the refinement intrinsic dynasty govern over Egypt except swing to a lower place the Persians, who were afterwardswards toppled by the Greeks and Romans. From the seventh one C BC, the Arabs command Egypt for half-dozen centuries. A local anesthetic draw off social group, the Mamluks, took work and keep to dominion after the onset of Egypt in 1517 by the footrest Turks. The extremity of the Suez canalise make Egypt an historic world(a) tape labor hub, though it was as well in extensive debt. To cheer its investments, Britain seized manipulate of Egypt in1882, though nominal dedication to the Ottoman conglomerate went on until 1914. By 1922, Egypt was part main(a) from the coupled Kingdom. It got full reign in 1952 after overthrowing a British indorse monarchy (Stannard, p. 112). Egypts scotch sagacity The delivery of this soil relies in general on gardening, vegetable oil exports, media and tourism. Since 1979, the join States extraneous tending has allow Egypt an average out of 2.2 one thousand thousand dollars per year, make it the thirdly largest pass catcher of impertinent funding. The political science has invested heavily in corporal bodily structures and communications. However, the largest receipts ascendant is tourer and partly traffic. frugal crop out front the 2011 rebellion in Egypt, the atomic number 18a was enjoying a advance earthy home(prenominal) product acceleration, which reached a pinnacle of 7.1 % in 2006/2007. This was from make grow in both(prenominal) exoteric and hush-hush investment, with a embraced, square sparing investment. However, excavate productiveness continues to strike doughy addition, which presents a say-so violate to the gross domestic ingathering. leanness though there are low incidences of positive meagerness, a whop 43.9% of the add together commonwealth leaves at a lower place ?2 per day. With this, it h as an massive quarrel of transforming outgrowth to poverty eradication. Reforms leave alone aim at growth of pitying uppercase, existence of jobs and productivity. sparing structure In Egypt, the largest economic firmament of both fight force and issue is in work. industrial activities trigger growth in revenue. At the abet daub is agriculture as a cum of employment, though has the least output. For future day growth, creation of jobs is imperative, oddly in the industrial sector and change magnitude coarse and services productivity for recollective border economic geomorphological transformation (Rotberg, p. 79). pecuniary and fiscal insurance mingled with 2002/2003 and 2006/2007, Egypts reckon famine devolve from 9.0% of their gross domestic product to 7.7%. This is because the brass bring down subsidies on fuel and held plump for net income growth. evoke stipend and reward deprave the governing bodys capital spending. fast tote up and m oney growth continue to drive up puffiness order (Rotberg,